
Our goal is to audit every election.

There should be no requirement of suspicion, nor threshold of closeness of votes.

If there’s a vote, we want it audited.

A proper audit involves a re-count, one or more times — all the way back to the original paper handed in by the voter — to verify accuracy; ensure chain-of-custody; and detect for fraud.

The audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona sets a good example for the extent of the different factors, or variables, to look for in detecting fraud.

Some states have laws against the above: in other words, there are some states in which someone specific has to request a re-count, possibly within a specific amount of time; and/or, it has to be a “tight race.” A beginning list can be made from here and further research will be done.

Records are generally required to be held for 22 months. It is unreasonable for the law to specify records be held longer than they can be legally used. If the law actually says a recount has to be requested, during a period of time which is less than 22 months? Then that law seems to be invalid (we are not lawyers, just observers; and, we intend to hire lawyers as a part of this endeavor).

Marbury v Madison expressed that an unconstitutional law is unconstitutional, not only after a court declares it so; it is unconstitutional for all time, and thus we can disregard it at any time. We intend to make use of this concept; again, with proper guidance.

Attorneys can also help in making changes to state election laws, to default to audit at least once. And to include provisions for audits in the state budgets.

We’re beginning this as our volunteer effort, and we will make this happen.

God bless.